Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Files, Cords and Boxes, OH MY!

KC gets her new office (the one with a great window!) organized!

"Trisha, where will you sit?"

Diane, Trish and Lew Ann are too many cooks in the kitchen, determining the perfect spot for the Splenda!

Lisa is not happy that the boxes are multiplying!

Seemed as though everywhere we turned there was yet another tub of office supplies or inactive files that needed to be delt with. As a professional that deals with clients in the midst of anxiety and stress that is a natural part of moving, it was good for our staff and company to experience what our clients may be feeling or going through each day. Personally, I have (what I like to call an Occupational Hazard) a moving addiction. Seeing so many gorgeous homes with unique features, every day on my job, I get a two year itch. Two years is my typical committment to a home so far (and it has been as little as 11 months). I really love my personal residence as well as our office, and think we will not be going anywhere for a long while! Here are some fun pics of us sorting through the chaos :-)

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